Adventure Creator Tips & Tricks – Part 1: Project and Scene Structure

Welcome to the first article in the series of articles on Adventure Creator focusing on hierarchy and scene structure in your adventure projects. The articles in the series will take form as general best practices and productivity ideas. Adventure Creator (AC) is a toolkit for Unity which you can use to develop a complete 2D or 3D adventure game [...]

2017-06-08T13:33:36+00:00May 25th, 2017|Game development, Tips&Tricks|

Conference of awesomeness – Reboot Develop 2017

Why would anyone attend the Reboot Develop game industry conference next year? Should great talks by amazing people from the gaming industry all over the world be enough to not hesitate? Find out in our short recap of one of the most exclusive game developer conferences in Europe. Ladies and gentlemen, Reboot Develop in all of its glory [...]

2017-06-08T13:34:24+00:00May 12th, 2017|Game development, Studio, Takeaway|
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